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Eco аmbassador – Jovan Bozhinoski

Тhe mountaineering club of “Ljuboten”, located in the small streets of Tetovo, is home to the oldest wooden skis that ever went down the Shar Planina mountain, back in the 1930s. Photos of mountaineers, equipment and correspondence in the period between the wars and after the wars are carefully kept by Jovan Bozhinoski, president of this club and the new eco ambassador of DOMA.
His love for Shara is contagious and his vision is on a good path of becoming reality. He knows every inhabitant of the mountain, from the slopes to its highest peaks, and together with them he works towards promotion and preservation of the natural values of Shara.
Directed by: Ana Aleksovska
Camera: Vladimir Dimoski
Editing: Borche Krstevski